

Officine Gặp 


City as a space of human expression and creativity. City of urban and cultural resistance. Creative city. City of interpretation and narrowness. City as a space of everyday life. City as extraordinary worldliness, justice, and equity. City of crafts, sounds, and memory. City of trees and water. Informal and river city. City of individuals, community, and common desires. City where houses extend into public spaces. Sensory city. City where day and night both matter. City with enduring architecture, provocations, and possibility thinking. Non-monumental city. City of chairs, tube houses, and alleyways. City of continuous informality and radically essential design. Cross-disciplinary and participatory city. City with multiple coexisting narratives, improvisation, and living entities. City as a matrix of layers and traces. City of experimentation and self-discovery. City in flux. City for everyone. City of collectivity. City of dialogue and plurality. City where identities weave the inherited past with the evolving present.


Officine Gặp {Afra + Yuri} is a curatorial, socially engaged, critical spatial practice initiated in Ho Chi Minh City in 2022.

We engage with the city and the community to explore alternative approaches to city-making, aiming to facilitate new ways of reading, thinking, and crafting the city while diversifying the voices of those involved in its creation. By experimenting with methods, media, and formats that expand beyond traditional architecture, Officine Gặp aims to investigate hidden aspects of the city and broaden the horizons of urban studies while challenging conventional curatorial and urban practices.

Our approach is deeply rooted in the unfolding of everyday life, exploring how communities come together in urban spaces and shape urban environments through daily practices.


Officine Gặp's Urban Lab is an intellectual endeavour combining practice and research to contribute to the production of discourses around the urban condition and expand the public culture of cities.

At Officine Gặp, we work collectively with communities, urbanists, curators, artists, researchers, and designers who share a passion for exploring and understanding the layers of urban life. Our practice is rooted in an engaged approach that combines research and practical application, informed by a comprehensive understanding of economic, cultural, social, and spatial contexts.

We develop action-oriented, research-driven insights and collaborate closely with communities and stakeholders to co-create cultural strategies and programs that resonate with local contexts and aspirations. Our goal is to foster meaningful and sustainable cultural projects, highlighting their broader impact and uncovering new possibilities for engagement.